wtorek, 22 listopada 2016

Bodybuilding ?

Bodybuilding - professional or amateur sports discipline. It consists in shaping the body shape by skeletal muscle hypertrophy as a result of physical exercise performed with the load; while the maximum possible in reduced subcutaneous fat in order to better visualize the muscles.

Bodybuilding is derived from exercise training athletes and wrestlers from the second half of the nineteenth century. For the precursor of modern bodybuilding is considered a German strongman Eugen Sandow, who performed in circus shows in different countries at the turn of the century. Bodybuilding as a sport distinguished in the late '40s in the United States through brothers Ben and Joe Weiderów, who in 1946 founded the IFBB. One of the most famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has won 7 titles Mr. Olympia (1970-1975 and 1980) and five Mr. Universe titles. Repeatedly he won a prize in a competition Mister World, Mister Mister International and Europe.

Since 1970 they are also organized competitions for women.

Bodybuilding is divided into three main groups:

natural bodybuilding - where there is a total ban on use of banned doping agents such as anabolic androgenic steroids, growth hormone, insulin or diuretics;
bodybuilding "extreme" - the most widely known (that distinguishes the characters Weider brothers or Arnold Schwarzenegger), whose objective is to obtain maximum muscle mass; players are divided into weight categories;
bodybuilding classic - in which the outside by category growth introduced a weight limit (according to the Polish Federation):
category to 170.0 cm: Maximum weight = (height - 100) + 2 kg;
Category 170,1-175,0 cm: Maximum weight = (height - 100) + 4 kg;
Category 175,1-180,0 cm: Maximum weight = (height - 100) + 6 kg;
category of 180.1 cm and more:
180,1-190,0 cm: Maximum weight = (height - 100) + 8 kg
190,1-198,0 cm: Maximum weight = (height - 100) + 9 kg
198.1 cm and more: the maximum weight = (height - 100) + 10 kg.
During the competition it assessed the appearance of competitors (quality muscle, muscle separation, symmetry and proportions of individual batches). Presentation of the muscle is carried out according to a specific pattern pose:

beyond the "hamstrings arm front" (assessment biceps and triceps compared to the appraisal ratio of the quadriceps muscles to the thigh muscles bulging calves; an assessment of the length of the body to the length of the legs and the thighs to the length of the lower leg);
beyond the "lats front" (assessment of all the muscles as seen from the front; an assessment of the broadest muscle of the back to the hips and waist);
off "the muscles of the chest side" (evaluation of the chest muscles, shoulder muscles, arms, forearms, thighs and lower leg; assessment of the proportion of the legs under the body);
beyond the "hamstrings shoulders back" (assessment of all the muscles as seen from the rear);
beyond the "lats back" (assessment of the upper body to the lower and the ratio of muscle and shoulder widest spine to the waist and thigh muscles);
outside "triceps arm sideways" (assessment triceps, biceps thighs and calf muscles);
beyond the "front abdominal muscles" (rating of straight muscles of the abdomen and thigh quadriceps muscles);
The second part of the presentation can be performed under any system, also using choreography.

The development of bodybuilding in the world directs the International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness (IFBB), while in Poland since 1989, there is the Polish Association of Bodybuilding, Fitness and Powerlifting. And also: NABBA, IBFA, WBBF / WFF, WABB (World Amateur Body Building Association), NAC, and many smaller federations.

Key professional competitions
Mr. Olympia
Mister Universe
Arnold Classic
Mister International
Night of Champions
Ironman Pro Invitational
Issues related to bodybuilding
Track & bodybuilding
the gym
exercise machines
griffin broken
flat bench
bench sloping
bench for sit-ups
human muscular system.

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